We want you to know who’s selling out our democracy. But would never sell you out!
We will never sell your personal information to a 3rd party. Not even once!
How do we use the information you provide?
Other98 uses the information we collect from you in an effort to engage you as an activist. We will use your email address to send you periodic updates, actions you can take and for contributions. An option to unsubscribe will be in every email we send.
Data tracking.
Some information may automatically be collected as you browse our site. In order to consistently improve our online activities, we use cookies, track email open rates and periodically analyze our web traffic. This information helps us improve the quality of the site and enhance our online outreach efforts.
Please note that third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from your websites and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. We are delighted to inform you that you can opt-out of this data collection using tools like aboutads.info and youronlinechoice.eu.
Information on children’s privacy.
We believe every precaution must be taken to protect children online. Other98 does not knowingly ask children 13 and under for any information. Visitors who are 13 or under should ask a parent or legal guardian for assistance when using Other98 and should not submit any personally identifiable information.
Links to other web sites.
Other98 provides links to third party websites, and other web sites may link to our website. Other98 does not endorse, nor is it responsible for the content of any third-party websites we may list on Other98. Sites that are linked to our site may have different policies; please review the privacy policy notices on those sites for details.